Fabio Bignotti is associate professor in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Brescia. Initially his research interests were concerned mainly with the preparation, physico-chemical and thermal characterisation of tailor-made polymers for biomedical applications. Then his researches extended to the investigation of the mechanical properties of polymer-based materials.
The research activities of prof. Bignotti can be grouped in three main areas:
1) investigation of the thermal and mechanical properties of polymers and polymer-matrix nanocomposites, with a special emphasis on the determination of structure-property relationships;
2) development of novel stimuli-responsive polymer-based materials;
3) preparation and thermal characterisation of new biodegradable and biocompatible polymers
Prof. Bignotti is author of more than 50 peer-reviewed articles on international journals, of numerous conference contributions, and of several national and international patents.
To view his publications click here.
Luciana Sartore is associate professor in Materials Science and Technology at the University of Brescia.
The research activity of Prof. Sartore is mainly in the field of polymeric materials for advanced engineering applications and covers the aspects related to the preparation and modification of polymers and their physical, chemical, thermal and mechanical characterization. The main researches in progress deal with the development of polymeric materials and nanocomposites for environmental applications and for gas sensing, polymer blends, biomaterials and green plastics. In the past she has been involved in derivatization, purification and characterization of polymers and olygomers and their use in the modification of proteins and peptides for biomedical applications.
Recently special emphasis is given to the development of innovative polymeric biomaterials starting from renewable source, in particular from agrochemical waste and from by-products of tannery industry, for biodegradable packaging and agriculture applications. She is author of more than 70 papers on international reviews and about 15 international patents.
To view her publications click here.
Silvia Agnelli is Associate Professor in the Group of Materials Science and Technology of Brescia University (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) since 2021.
S. Agnelli took bachelor and master degree (both full marks “cum laude”) in Materials Engineering in 2003 and 2005, respectively. In 2011 she got a European Ph.D. degree in Materials for Engineering, with a thesis entitled: “Development of fracture mechanics methodologies for polymers and elastomers”.
During the graduate studies, S. Agnelli performed two internships: at Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Merseburg, Halle, D), for three months in 2009, and at Cranfield University (Shrivenham, Swindon, UK), for three months in 2010. Her main research topics are:
1) development of fracture mechanics testing methodologies for ductile and soft (elastomers, hydrogels) polymeric materials, both in quasi-static and impact conditions.
2) Study of property-structure relationships in elastomeric systems reinforced with micro- and nano-fillers: analysis of reinforcement of elastomeric systems promoted by hybrid fillers; study of anisotropy effects promoted by nanofillers in elastomeric systems.
3) Analysis of large deformational behavior of polymers: measurement of yield stress of polymers in impact conditions; study of time and temperature effects on the plastic behavior of polymers during the fracture process of a ductile polymer
To view her publications click here.
Francesco Baldi is Assistant Professor in the field of Materials Science and Technology. F. Baldi took a degree in Chemical Engineering in 1998 (full marks “cum laude”), worked in R&D department of an Italian company (Ceast SpA, Turin (I)) that produces instruments for the mechanical and rheological characterization of polymers and composites, and in 2002 he moved to the University of Brescia (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering). His research activity mainly concerns:
1) Mechanics of polymeric materials: development of fracture mechanics testing methodologies; mechanical failure under static and dynamic loads; structure-property relationships in micro- and nanocomposites.
2) Rheology of polymeric materials: development of new testing methodologies; rheological behaviour at high strain rates of micro- and nano-filled polymer melts; instability phenomena in capillary flows.
F. Baldi is member of the executive council of the Italian Associacion of Rheology, and is coordinator of the "J-testing" work area of the Technical Committee “Polymers and Polymer Composites” of ESIS (“European Structural Integrity Society”).
To view his publications click here.
Dr. Ing. Stefano Pandini is Assistant Professor in the field of Materials Science and Technology. S. Pandini took a degree in Materials Engineering in 2003 (full marks “cum laude”; University of Trento) and a Ph.D degree in Materials Engineering in 2007 (Thesis title: "Time-temperature correlation on deformation, yielding and fracture phenomena in thermoplastic polymers for engineering applications"; University of Trento).
Since 2005 he works at the University of Brescia (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering).
His research activity mainly concerns:
1) time-temperature effects on polymeric materials at small deformations: viscoelastic Poisson's ratio, stress-strain cyclic behavior;
2) the large deformations in polymeric materials: mechanical energy storage ad release strain recovery;
3) fracture mechanics of polymeric materials: essential work of fracture methodology, creep and fatigue testing;
4) shape memory effects in polymers: investigation on the structure-history-property relationships concerning the one-way and two-way shape memory effect in polymers.
S. Pandini contributes to the development of various research projects funded by agencies and companies in collaboration with national and international partners. S. Pandini is co-author of several peer- reviewed publications on international journals and contributions to International and National Conferences.
To view his publications click here.
Giorgio Ramorino holds a Laurea Degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of Brescia) and a Ph.D. in applied mechanics from the same institution, obtained in 2004 discussing a degree thesis on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials, partially developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). He is Assistant Professor in the field of Materials Science and Technology at University of Brescia and CEO at ITL srl (Italian Thecnology Lab. / spin-off of the University of Brescia).
Giorgio Ramorino has more than 10 years of experience in fields covering all aspects of plastics technology. In particular, his main research interests focus on analysis and simulation of injection moulding of thermoplastics and elastomers, volume accuracy and stability in polymer processing and development of methods for the design of plastic goods. Other research interests are: mechanics and deformation phenomena of elastomeric materials and development of experimental methodologies for the characterization of the mechanical behavior of polymers.
He collaborates with companies and research centres and is author of more than 11 publications on international peer reviewed scientific journals and 30 publications on proceedings of international conferences.
To view his publications click here.
Ms. Isabella Peroni
Laboratory Technician
Email: isabella.peroni@unibs.it
Tel: 030 3715680 / 030 3715410
Both Isabella Peroni and Gloria Spagnoli took a diploma of Chemical and Biological Laboratory Technician. They are part of the technical staff of University of Brescia and have been working in the Materials Science and Technology Laboratory since 1991.
They provide technical support to the experimental research and teaching activities of the Lab. Moreover, they take care of the maintenance of most instruments and largely contribute to the management of the Lab.
Selected publications:
M.A. Rahman, G. Spagnoli, A.M. Grande, L. Di Landro, “Role of Phase Morphology on Damage Initiated Self-healing Behavior of Ionomer Blends”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, published online (2013).
M.A. Rahman, D. De Santis, G. Spagnoli, G. Ramorino, M. Penco, V. Thanh Phuong, A. Lazzeri, “Biocomposites Based on Lignin and Plasticized Poly(L-lactic acid)”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 129(1), 202-214 (2013)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, I. Peroni, G. Ramorino , G. Janszen , L. Di Landro, “Autonomous healing materials based on epoxidized natural rubber and ethylene methacrylic acid ionomers”, Smart Materials and Structures, 21(3) (2012)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, G. Spagnoli, I. Peroni, G. Ramorino , L. Sartore, F. Bignotti, L. Di Landro, “Damage initiaded self-healing in ionomer blends”, 6th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459, 163-166 (2012)
F. Baldi, F. Bignotti, I. Peroni, S. Agnelli, T. Ricco', "On the measurement of the fracture resistance of polyacrylamide hydrogels by wire cutting tests", Polymer Testing, 31, 455-465 (2012)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, , I. Peroni, G. Ramorino, A.M. Grande, L. Di Landro, “Self-Repairing Systems Based on Ionomers and Epoxidized Natural Rubber Blends”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 3(12), 4865-4874 (2011)
Both Isabella Peroni and Gloria Spagnoli took a diploma of Chemical and Biological Laboratory Technician. They are part of the technical staff of University of Brescia and have been working in the Materials Science and Technology Laboratory since 1991.
They provide technical support to the experimental research and teaching activities of the Lab. Moreover, they take care of the maintenance of most instruments and largely contribute to the management of the Lab.
Selected publications:
M.A. Rahman, G. Spagnoli, A.M. Grande, L. Di Landro, “Role of Phase Morphology on Damage Initiated Self-healing Behavior of Ionomer Blends”, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, published online (2013).
M.A. Rahman, D. De Santis, G. Spagnoli, G. Ramorino, M. Penco, V. Thanh Phuong, A. Lazzeri, “Biocomposites Based on Lignin and Plasticized Poly(L-lactic acid)”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 129(1), 202-214 (2013)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, I. Peroni, G. Ramorino , G. Janszen , L. Di Landro, “Autonomous healing materials based on epoxidized natural rubber and ethylene methacrylic acid ionomers”, Smart Materials and Structures, 21(3) (2012)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, G. Spagnoli, I. Peroni, G. Ramorino , L. Sartore, F. Bignotti, L. Di Landro, “Damage initiaded self-healing in ionomer blends”, 6th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites, in: AIP Conference Proceedings, 1459, 163-166 (2012)
F. Baldi, F. Bignotti, I. Peroni, S. Agnelli, T. Ricco', "On the measurement of the fracture resistance of polyacrylamide hydrogels by wire cutting tests", Polymer Testing, 31, 455-465 (2012)
M.A. Rahman, M. Penco, , I. Peroni, G. Ramorino, A.M. Grande, L. Di Landro, “Self-Repairing Systems Based on Ionomers and Epoxidized Natural Rubber Blends”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 3(12), 4865-4874 (2011)
Anna Gobetti holds a research grant entitled "Transformation of Black and White Steel Slags from Electric Arc Furnaces into Functional Fillers for Virgin and Recycled Rubber Composites" (Tutor: G. Cornacchia, G. Ramorino).
Chiara Pasini holds a research grant entitled "Development of scaffolds for soft tissue regenerative medicine by means of 3D-printing" at the University of Brescia (Tutor: S. Pandini).
Ing. Stefano Gozzini
PhD student
Stefano Gozzini is a PhD student of the XXXVIII cycle in the doctoral research program in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Brescia. His thesis is entitled "Research and development of safety eyewear based on sustainable polymer for cleanroom applications". The work is carried out in cooperation with Univet S.r.l. (Rezzato, BS, Italy). (Supervisor: F. Baldi; tutor: S. Pandini).
Ing. Anderson Luiz Dias
PhD student
Anderson Luiz Dias is a PhD student of the XV cycle in the doctoral research program Energy Transition and Sustainable Production Systems at the University of Brescia. His thesis is entitled "Prediction and monitoring of rubber wear by AI and experimental methods" (Tutor: S. Agnelli, R. Rodrigues).
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