Fabio Bignotti


Fabio Bignotti

Full Professor

Contact: theonis.ricco@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715785

Associate Professor

Contact: fabio.bignotti@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715781

Associate Professor

Contact: luciana.sartore@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715786

Assistant Professor

Contact: silvia.agnelli@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715908

Assistant Professor

Contact: francesco.baldi@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715784

Assistant Professor

Contact: stefano.pandini@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715914

Assistant Professor

Contact: giorgio.ramorino@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715787

Laboratory Technician

Contact: isabella.peroni@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Laboratory Technician

Contact: gloria.spagnoli@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Ph.D. student

Contact: m.guindani002@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715925

Ph.D. student

Contact: k.dey@unibs.it ; tel. 030 3715925

Prof. Fabio Bignotti

Fabio Bignotti is associate professor in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Brescia. Initially his research interests were concerned mainly with the preparation, physico-chemical and thermal characterisation of tailor-made polymers for biomedical applications. Then his researches extended to the investigation of the mechanical properties of polymer-based materials.

The research activities of prof. Bignotti can be grouped in three main areas:

1) investigation of the thermal and mechanical properties of polymers and polymer-matrix nanocomposites, with a special emphasis on the determination of structure-property relationships;

2) development of novel stimuli-responsive polymer-based materials;

3) preparation and thermal characterisation of new biodegradable and biocompatible polymers

Prof. Bignotti is author of more than 50 peer-reviewed articles on international journals, of numerous conference contributions, and of several national and international patents.

To view his publications click here.