Theonis Riccò

Theonis Riccò

Full Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715785

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715781

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715786

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715908

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715784

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715914

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715787

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Prof. Theonis Riccò

T. Ricco is full professor in the area of Materials Science and Technology since 1/11/2001 at University of Brescia (Italy) and is Head of Materials Science and Technology Laboratory in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Since 1970 the research field of T. Ricco is the mechanics of polymeric materials.

The research is mainly experimental and concerns:

1) constitutive behaviour and viscoelastic properties;

2) fracture mechanics;

3) mechanical failure under static and dynamic loads;

4) deformation mechanisms at high strain levels;

5) mechanics and mechanisms of toughening;

6) development of testing methods (fracture mechanics);

7) structure-property relationships in filled or modified polymers;

8) development of micromechanical models for composite materials;

9) rheological behavior of polymers and filled polymers.

The materials studied are polymers for engineering applications, mainly for automotive and aerospace industry. The following types of materials are investigated: amorphous and semicrystalline polymers, elastomers, polymer blends, polymer-based-composites, and nanostructured polymeric materials.

T. Ricco is member of the following scientific association: IOM (Institute of Materials, UK), ESIS (European Society for Structural Integrity, UK), AIMAT (Italian Association for Materials Engineering, Italy), AIM (Italian Association for Science and Technology of Macromolecules, Italy), IGF (Italian Group of Fracture,Italy), Assocompositi (Italy).

Publications in 2012:

  • Agnelli Silvia, Baldi Francesco, Ricco' Theonis (2012). A tentative application of the energy separation principle to the determination of the fracture resistance (JIc) of rubbers. ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS, vol. 90, p. 76-88, ISSN: 0013-7944, doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2012.04.020

  • Messori Massimo, Degli Espositi Micaela, Paderni Katia, Pandini Stefano, Passera Simone, Riccò Theonis, Toselli Maurizio (2012). Chemical and thermomechanical tailoring of shape memory effect in poly(e-caprolactone)-based systems. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, ISSN: 0022-2461, doi: 10.1007/s10853-012-6757-8

  • Galimberti Maurizio, Coombs Michele, Cipolletti Valeria, Riccio Pierluigi, Riccò Theonis, Pandini Stefano, Conzatti Lucia (2012). Enhancement of mechanical reinforcement due to hybrid filler networking promoted by organoclay in hydrocarbon-based nanocomposites. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, vol. 65-66, p. 57-66, ISSN: 0169-1317, doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2012.04.019

  • Baldi Francesco, Bignotti Fabio, Peroni Isabella, Agnelli Silvia, Ricco' Theonis (2012). On the measurement of the fracture resistance of polyacrylamide hydrogels by wire cutting tests. POLYMER TESTING, vol. 31, p. 455-465, ISSN: 0142-9418, doi: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2012.01.009

  • Agnelli Silvia, Baldi Francesco, Ricco' Theonis (2012). The load separation criterion in elastic-plastic fracture mechanics: Rate and temperature dependence of the material plastic deformation function in an ABS resin. AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, vol. 1459, p. 114-116, ISSN: 0094-243X, doi: 10.1063/1.4738415

  • Pandini Stefano, Passera Simone, Messori Massimo, Paderni Katia, Toselli Maurizio, Gianoncelli Alessandra, Bontempi Elza, Riccò Theonis (2012). Two-way reversible shape memory behaviour of crosslinked poly(ε-caprolactone). POLYMER, vol. 53, p. 1915-1924, ISSN: 0032-3861, doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2012.02.053