Silvia Agnelli

Silvia Agnelli

Full Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715785

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715781

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715786

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715908

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715784

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715914

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715787

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Dr. Ing. Silvia Agnelli

Silvia Agnelli is Assistant Professor in the Group of Materials Science and Technology of Brescia University (Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering) since 2012.

S. Agnelli took bachelor and master degree (both full marks “cum laude”) in Materials Engineering in 2003 and 2005, respectively. In 2011 she got a European Ph.D. degree in Materials for Engineering, with a thesis entitled: “Development of fracture mechanics methodologies for polymers and elastomers”.

During the graduate studies, S. Agnelli performed two internships: at Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Merseburg, Halle, D), for three months in 2009, and at Cranfield University (Shrivenham, Swindon, UK), for three months in 2010. Her main research topics are:

1) development of fracture mechanics testing methodologies for ductile and soft (elastomers, hydrogels) polymeric materials, both in quasi-static and impact conditions.

2) Study of property-structure relationships in elastomeric systems reinforced with micro- and nano-fillers: analysis of reinforcement of elastomeric systems promoted by hybrid fillers; study of anisotropy effects promoted by nanofillers in elastomeric systems.

3) Analysis of large deformational behavior of polymers: measurement of yield stress of polymers in impact conditions; study of time and temperature effects on the plastic behavior of polymers during the fracture process of a ductile polymer

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