Giorgio Ramorino

Giorgio Ramorino

Full Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715785

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715781

Associate Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715786

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715908

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715784

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715914

Assistant Professor

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715787

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Laboratory Technician

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715680/030 3715410

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Ph.D. student

Contact: ; tel. 030 3715925

Dr. Ing. Giorgio Ramorino

Giorgio Ramorino holds a Laurea Degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of Brescia) and a Ph.D. in applied mechanics from the same institution, obtained in 2004 discussing a degree thesis on the mechanical properties of elastomeric materials, partially developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). He is Assistant Professor in the field of Materials Science and Technology at University of Brescia and CEO at ITL srl (Italian Thecnology Lab. / spin-off of the University of Brescia).

Giorgio Ramorino has more than 10 years of experience in fields covering all aspects of plastics technology. In particular, his main research interests focus on analysis and simulation of injection moulding of thermoplastics and elastomers, volume accuracy and stability in polymer processing and development of methods for the design of plastic goods. Other research interests are: mechanics and deformation phenomena of elastomeric materials and development of experimental methodologies for the characterization of the mechanical behavior of polymers.

He collaborates with companies and research centres and is author of more than 11 publications on international peer reviewed scientific journals and 30 publications on proceedings of international conferences.

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